Wednesday, February 15, 2012

More Monograms...

A few weeks ago, we got those navy Libeco Linen pillows in and we were so excited to stock a pillow in our signature color. We've been working on our logo redesign with the very talented Christine Kingerski over the past few weeks, so it made perfect sense to monogram one of the navy pillows with our new logo. Notice how our new logo is a monogram (see the intertwined F and E behind the N)? We're so clever...and by we I mean Christine.

Drum roll please...

 Looks pretty great, no?

Anyhow, thought I'd share some other monograms that we've done lately.

 SFERRA festival napkin with a tone on tone 'C'.

 SFERRA festival cocktail napkin with a custom monogram.

 Libeco Linen pillow in oyster with a custom RM monogram.
  SFERRA festival cocktail napkin with a custom intertwined S monogram.

  SFERRA festival napkin with a tone on tone 'S'.

 The white linen pillow with a new pagoda design. Email us to order this one, only $98.

Did you know we can monogram fabric? If you wanted to turn a certain fabric into a pillow or a slipcover, we'd be happy to monogram the fabric before it's sewn into the final product. Even though we have a 'we don't monogram items that we don't sell' policy, fabric is the only exception! Again, email us for more info. 

Back to work...


1 comment:

  1. numberfoureleven was mentioned in our latest blog post (with a link back to your site). You can read it here
